Translations for the consumer goods and trade industry – successful business worldwide

Our key qualification: market expertise
Markets and consumer behaviour can vary significantly between countries – the marketing for a sports drink is likely to take quite a different form in Austria than in Iran. And fashion and trends change all the time. Another reason why we need expert linguists for translations for marketing purposes! Our specialist translators for the consumer goods market do not only have perfect command of their source and target languages, they are also intimately familiar with the cultural realities of the target country and the local market, which allows them to adapt translations to customer requirements.
Engaging translations for the global market
Consumer goods, just like technical products, are traded all over the world. Trading in local markets requires translation and, in some cases, an adaptation of the associated texts. Consumer goods are what are known as B2C products, i.e. products which – in contrast to most technical and industrial products in the B2B sector – have to appeal to a wide target group. This places special importance on the texts which go along with the products. Be it packaging texts, ingredients lists, advertising claims, slogans or poster texts – these texts do not simply need to provide a description of the product, they must present and accompany it with an attractive message.
The industries and subject areas covered by our specialist translation service include:
- Non-food
- Non-food
- Clothing
- Toys
- Entertainment electronics
- Household devices
- Packaging texts
- Manuals
- Advertising material
- Press releases
Translation offer
Have you seen all you need and would like to order the translation of your documents directly online? Nothing could be easier: request your individual translation quote with just a few clicks.
If you have further questions,
call us at +41 71 226 46 56 or use our free return call service*:
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* We use your data only for contacting you. The data is encrypted and transmitted to our servers.